This project consisted of the auditing of the former Bank of America (BOA) tenant space in 9 West 57th Street in New York City. Prior to construction of the new Bank of America Tower on 6th Avenue, BOA occupied approximately 21 floors (roughly 640,000 square feet) at 9 West 57th Street. RAI was retained by the bank’s legal counsel to: (1) identify and catalogue Landlord’s alleged deficiencies and violations by documenting existing conditions and compliance to the approved fit-out construction documents and (2) assist with any remediation of deficiencies encountered. As the required documentation and reports were to be used in defense of litigation by the Landlord, all survey work was performed with representatives of both sides present to ensure the accuracy of the findings and eliminate any disputes over the veracity of the report. RAI’s work product resulted in a multi-volume comprehensive archive of the modifications made to the bank’s tenant spaces. The reports compiled by RAI provided the necessary back-up and litigation support to enable BOA attorneys to defend against a law suit brought by the Landlord.
Project Value: $31,895,000.